Q & A

What is the advantage to ordering prints with Lady In Pink Photography Boutique Session digital downloads?

This is one of Lady In Pink Photography's favorite questions to answer!  Think about this, the digital world does not physically exist, when your hard drive or computer crashes all of your digital files not printed will be lost.   Even when your computer is simply off, you can't see the images.  With prints you have your favorite Lady In Pink Photography images at  your finger tips.

That is why Lady In Pink Photography always suggests printing out your memories.  To make it easy for you L.I.P.P. offers prints on archival papers that are printed with light sensitive chemicals opposed to ink from inkjet printers.  Your images will be passed down from generation to generation.

 Does Lady In Pink Photography offer less traditional products?

Lady In Pink Photography offers products for each and every single person in your family.  Some of Lady In Pink Photography client favorites are:

1 Session Storybook
    Magnetic Display Board
12x12 Photo Montage
12x12 Metal Art Print
 3 + Session Yearbook
 Dry Erase Board
Comfortable Woven Blanket
 (Machine washable!!!!)

And more!

To see sample products please book your complimentary consultation to find out which Boutique Package will fit your photographic needs.

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