Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Welcoming 2015

Suzie and Chris in front of their first Christmas tree.

The word of the day is Family.

Leona Murray, Suzie's Grandmother
Family is my why.

This year think about "Why do you do what you do?"
"What is your why?" 

I wake up for family, I travel the world for family, and my family is everything I am.  Love, care, and the bond of a family made 2014 very special.  There were births this year and deaths.  In other words we celebrating that family bond many times.  
Thomas Dugan, Suzie's father.

As 2014 ends take a moment to remember everyone who has been family to you.  HAPPY NEW YEARS to you and your family from the Lady In Pink Photography family.

Sharon Dugan, Suzie's mother.

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